Ankle injuries

Barangaroo Physiotherapy

Ankle Ligaments are the most commonly injured in the whole body and an injury our physios treat every week!


Ankle and foot injuries are very common.

Ankle sprains in particular are an injury our physiotherapists deal with every single season, most are not serious, but some need extra care and rehabilitation.

The most common are lateral ankle sprains, but “high ankle sprains” (syndesmosis) injuries, ankle fractures, achilles injuries are a common complaint in clinic.

Mid-foot, heel and toe injuries are less common, but no less debilitating. Plantar fasciitis is a common heel pain complaint, with a hallmark feature of pain in the morning.

Ankle and foot pain is usually treated with manual techniques, as well as taping, footwear recommendations and exercises to strengthen the calves and smaller foot muscles.


Ankle & Foot injuries we Treat

  • Ankle ligament tears (ATFL, CFL, Deltoid)

  • High ankle sprains - syndesmosis injuries

  • Ankle impingement, a common post-injury sequelae

  • Achilles tendinopathy

  • Tibialis posterior tendinopathy

  • Plantar fasciopathy (plantar fasciitis) and heel spurs

  • Fat pad impingement

  • Midfoot sprains (bifurcate ligament, spring ligament)

  • Lisfranc injuries

  • 1st toe artritis

  • Turf toe

    & more

Ankle physio sydney cbd, best physiotherapy barangaroo

The ankle needs to be mobile and have a good range of movement to allow for normal walking. If movement is optimised, then working through walking, stairs, running, jumping and changing direction is the next step in a great rehab program for the ankle and foot.


Our Physios work alongside our sports doctors and orthopaedic surgeons to ensure you receive the best care possible.