Is Pilates useful for Runners?

Short answer … YES!

Pilates can be highly beneficial for runners, offering a range of advantages that can contribute to improved performance, injury prevention, and overall well being.

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Here are my top benefits of incorporating Pilates into a runner's training program:

  1. Core Strength: Pilates places a strong emphasis on core strength and stability. A strong core is essential for maintaining proper running form, stability, and balance.

  2. Improved Flexibility: Pilates exercises often involve dynamic stretching and lengthening of muscles. This increased flexibility can enhance a runner's range of motion, leading to better running mechanics and reduced muscle tightness.

  3. Joint Mobility: Pilates movements are often designed to promote joint mobility and flexibility. This can be particularly beneficial for runners, as it helps reduce stiffness in the joints.

  4. Body Awareness: Pilates encourages greater body awareness, teaching runners to focus on proper alignment and form. This increased awareness can translate into better running mechanics, reduced impact on joints, and a lower risk of injury.

  5. Injury Prevention: The strengthening and conditioning aspects of Pilates can contribute to injury prevention. This can be especially valuable in preventing lower back pain (2).

  6. Breathing Control: Pilates emphasises controlled breathing, which can enhance respiratory efficiency and endurance. Learning to breathe more efficiently can be advantageous for runners during both training and races. This may even lead to an improved 5kms time (1).

  7. Mind-Body Connection: Pilates promotes a mind-body connection, encouraging individuals to focus on the quality of movement and engage specific muscle groups intentionally.

  8. Recovery and Rehabilitation: Pilates can be a valuable component of a runner's recovery and rehabilitation program. It provides a low-impact option for maintaining strength and flexibility during periods of reduced running or when recovering from injuries.

  9. Cross-Training: Incorporating Pilates into a runner's cross-training routine adds variety to the workout regimen. Cross-training can prevent burnout, reduce the risk of overtraining, and contribute to overall fitness.

Studies comparing Pilates (1)(2) have shown an improvement in 5km run time and a positive effect on lower back pain!

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Are you a runner with an interest in cross training, strength training or pilates?

—> get in touch

Our Clinical Pilates programs are individualised and require screening before starting. Always get advice from YOUR physiotherapist!

(1) Finatto P, Silva ESD, Okamura AB, Almada BP, Storniolo JLL, Oliveira HB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA. Pilates training improves 5-km run performance by changing metabolic cost and muscle activity in trained runners. PLoS One. 2018 Mar 21;13(3):e0194057. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194057. Erratum in: PLoS One. 2018 Apr 24;13(4):e0196509. PMID: 29561907; PMCID: PMC5862462.

(2) Lim EC, Poh RL, Low AY, Wong WP. Effects of Pilates-based exercises on pain and disability in individuals with persistent nonspecific low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2011 Feb;41(2):70-80. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2011.3393. Epub 2010 Oct 22. PMID: 20972339.


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