Got knee pain? Need Quads Strength?

Are we complicating the management of knee pain?

I’ve seen lots of new patients in the past few weeks presenting with a variety of knee pains. Some with arthritis, some with ‘runners knee’ or kneecap pain, and some with  patella tendinopathy. They all had one thing in common….

They had all seen professionals before and NONE of them had been prescribed isolated quadriceps strengthening

Why is that a problem?

Quadriceps strength is something all these patients need. If we look at the evidence for treating knee osteoarthritis, patellofemoral pain and quadriceps tendinopathy, we see that quadriceps strength has a vital role to play in all of them.

Additionally, all these patients had been told that their lack of “glutes/core/pelvis/balance” was the issue. Whilst they may have a lack of “insert body area” strength, I ask what’s going to have the biggest impact on their knee pain today? If your quads are weak and you have knee pain, start there!

If you need help with your knee pain —> get in touch

Is this similar to messages you have been told by your GP or other medical professionals? If you need a little extra help with your joint paints, Book in to see a Physio today!


Your Cheat Sheet to managing Arthritis
